To put it simply, I was dead for 8 minutes. It was October 29th, 2019. Gone – cardiac arrest. The statistics are bleak for these types
of cases.

My daughter, Tessa, was 8 at the time and found me lying on the floor. She acted very quickly grabbing her Momma. She knew something was very wrong. As Kim performed CPR and Tessa stood watching, she continued to repeat out loud, “This is not how our story ends.”

Kim was right, and here I am today – alive, healthy, and with a new outlook on life. This is my second chance.

After awakening in the hospital, I was told there’s only a 6 percent chance of survival and only 1 percent chance of survival without brain damage. Some might call it a miracle that I walked out of that hospital back. Whatever it is, I’m not holding back with this literal gift of life.

I was a pretty determined entrepreneur before, but this takes it to another level. And in much self-discovery and therapy, I’m finding peace I never knew existed, We always say, the heart attack never happened “TO” us, it happened “FOR” us.

I don’t remember anything from this experience, but I’m forever changed, my family is forever changed, and together as a unit we are forever changed.

My message to you is that you’re going to have challenges come your way. It’s coming. It’s going to happen for you. But are you prepared? Physically, mentally, emotionally, and financially prepared for what’s ahead? A shit storm is coming, none of us can escape these trials, but are you prepared?


We each have our own hard that we face, and it’s up to us to work on ourselves to handle these things. I’m putting in the work. I’m going after my massive dreams. Because I believe that whatever it is you want in life, you can have it.

It all starts with a clear decision that you want change and then taking immediate action. It starts with one step, then another, and you just keep moving forward. It requires grit and tremendous courage, but the beauty is that we all have access to it. We just have to dig deeper sometimes to showcase it.

That’s exactly how Kim and I have built our businesses. How I’ve gone from a coaching newbie in March of 2015, to the top ranked male Coach in the network out of over 400,000 Coaches. Within the first 2 years of starting my coaching business, I achieved Top Elite 10 at the #6 ranked Coach. I don’t say that to brag, I say it out of pride as it required a tremendous amount of dedication.

My story involves a lot of determination and hard work. But it’s also most definitely fuelled by a belief in the power of a positive mindset.

Your thoughts can change your outlook, and they can also change your future.

But I didn’t always have that mindset. About nine years ago, I was in a very bad spot – an all-time low.

I was 240 pounds, 60 pounds overweight and on multiple blood pressure and cholesterol medications. I remember taking my pills every night wondering: “Why am I taking these in my 30’s?” I knew better. I’d been active my entire life, but I was having trouble doing better.

I was stressed out from the troubles in the company my brother and I co-founded. I was miserable, and I self-medicated with food, among other things.

Kim and I had just welcomed our son Colby into the world, which is a time that should have been filled with joy. But I was just not happy or comfortable with myself, and when you are in that stage even the brightest moments and most beautiful things in your life don’t quite shine like they should.

One night, most likely while eating pizza and drinking beer, I saw an infomercial with some handsome tanned dude working out! He was ripped! That man was Tony Sawyer Horton.

Something about the words he said captured my attention, and I didn’t change the channel. I’m not sure why, but in that 20 minutes of watching TV, something clicked within me. I picked up the phone and ordered Tony’s P90X Beachbody program, P90X. It arrived, I started the program, and I was hooked! This program changed my life.

Anyone who has completed a home-based workout program and gone through a physical, mental, and emotional transformation knows that there is something very hard to explain to people who haven’t been through it. You begin to completely shift who you are, at the core, at the very centre of what you believe in and how you feel about yourself and your place on this earth. Light comes back into your days.

Transforming your body and creating a strong, positive mindset impacts your entire life.


As a Coach, I’m passionate about helping others do the same through the business opportunity and these programs, resources, and tools.

The passion comes from experience, from knowing where I was, and where I am now. I want that for others.

I jumped at the opportunity to start an online business. I took an opportunity that was presented to me, worked very hard at it, implementing my strategies from my business and entrepreneurial background and now teach others to do the same.
Through this, we’ve mentored others all around the globe to help them do the same.

For me, this has always been about freedom – financial, time, travel, relationships, personal development, and so much more.

This is even more true and clear given my new outlook from what happened for me that seemingly normal day in October 2019 that changed the course of our lives forever.

It all comes back to scarcity and abundance. You can go two ways. You can look at someone with jealousy and the victim mentality as you see them moving up and not be supportive of that. Or you can borrow some of their courage. You can borrow some of their story and their belief in themselves for you to take.

I’m here to share all of my beliefs and my courage with you.

You don’t have to die to have a second chance at life. Right now, this could be the opportunity that changes it all for you.

Whether you’re looking for wellness accountability, starting your own online wellness business, shopping for the most comfortable headbands, or interested in listening to our latest podcast, it’s all here!

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